You Install Solar, We Take Care of the Rest.
A customer’s journey to solar starts with you. Whether they’re commercial solar developers and residential solar installers, you do a preliminary solar design and make the sale. Our job is to make the complex journey to file, permit, design, inspect, and interconnect solar as easy for you as possible. This keeps your solar installations fast, hassle-free, and done right the first time.
We’re Here To Help You Through Every Stage of Your Installation.
Your customer signed on the dotted line. What happens next?
More than just installation stands in between a signed contract and solar power generation. Every customer needs local government and utility solar design approvals and permits, as well as installation inspections and approvals.
In the best solar installations, it take weeks.
So even small missteps have big impacts. One design error due to a misunderstood building or fire code can force solar design revisions that can add costs. A missed appointment with a permitting authority? It can lengthen installation timelines and waste installation technicians’ time.

Learn About Sologistic’s Culture!
Fayeann Lawrence
Founder and CEO
Fayeann (Faye) Lawrence has been involved with solar energy since the formative years of solar development in New York City. Before founding Sologistics, she was the Director of Operations for the second-largest solar installer in New York City where she was responsible for creating designs that were financially, structurally, and electrically sound; and getting those projects permitted, connected to the grid, and operational.
She realized that, despite the strategic advances being made in the industry, New York State – and NYC in particular – continued to be one of the most frustrating places in which to install solar systems. Many manufacturers were unclear on the processes that would move their applications through the pipeline, and it often meant the systems they sold to their customers were subject to delay and even cancellation.
“Missing a detail that you weren’t aware of can set a project back by months. We prevent that from happening to our clients – we keep a project on track and complete in as little time as possible.”
Let’s Connect!
Sologistics is here to help you meet the complex requirements for a successful solar site design and solar installation in New York. Get in touch with an array of experts in solar design, system engineering, permit expediting & utility applications. From the form details for solar operations to renewable energy transformation consulting, Sologistics knows how to get it done right the first time.