Solar Design, Engineering, and Approval Services for New York Solar Projects
Each solar project is unique and has its own set of parameters and goals. Shade and obstructions can limit solar panel placement and system output. Local building codes and permitting requirements can constrain solar system design. Incorrect assumptions can misguide the PV design and interconnection approach. Bring the vast experience of the Sologistics team to your next project to streamline the design process.
Our Solar Design and Engineering Experts
Sologistics design consultants have extensive experience creating structurally and electrically sound designs for a variety of projects across New York. We are knowledgable about available solar panels, inverters, and racking systems on the market and how they impact the ROI of a project. Our design and engineering service saves commercial solar developers and residential solar installers time and lets them focus on what they do best.
Our team understands that effective designs begin by gathering accurate site information, having extensive knowledge of local New York codes, and understanding project goals. We begin by gathering all the relevant information that impacts a structurally and electrically-sound site plan.
What is solar site design?
Our design service involves making diagrams with detailed information on interconnection, solar equipment, and system layout. It is essential to determine how mechanical systems, roof layouts, trees, solar panel racking systems, solar equipment guidelines, and the interconnection approach impact the design. If these elements aren’t identified in the planning stage, they can stall permitting, boost installation time, cause premature equipment failure, and decrease customer satisfaction.
Why is solar site design important?
Our experience allows us to avoid many common pitfalls for profitable solar projects. We understand that our client’s reputation is on the line, and we take this very seriously. Our solar system designs are commonly accepted by AHJs without modification, streamlining the permitting process.
A competent solar power project design is essential for passing site inspections and for lucrative renewable energy projects. Our engineers review solar designs and flag potential issues such as roof condition and structural integrity concerns. We can determine the maximum solar energy system size based on a building’s existing electrical service, point out existing electrical code violations that may impact the final inspection, and recommend corrective measures.
A common solar design pitfall is miscalculating the impacts of shade, which can have significant impacts on the ROI of the project. We take accurate shade analysis seriously and use a data-driven approach. Another common pitfall is not accurately accounting for roof obstructions in the site design, which causes the solar installers to make last-minute adjustments on-site.
Is Solar Panel and Equipment Selection Important?
Yes, solar panel, inverter, and racking system selection are essential components of our solar system design package. There are also many solar equipment options with different warranties, pricing, and performance characteristics.
In some cases, our clients have specific solar equipment in mind and we can customize our designs to these preferences. The Sologistics team can also help select the best equipment for a given project, taking shading, financials, project goals, project permitting, equipment availability, and structural design implications into account.
There are a few exciting new solar power technologies that have come to market over the past several years. These have greatly impacted solar system cost, ease of installation and energy production. The Sologistics team stays current on such advances and can recommend reliable technologies.
Solar with battery storage has fallen in cost and become much more widely available. Advances in battery technology make solar + storage an attractive option for more and more of our solar energy clients for a variety of projects in New York. Bring our expertise to your next project, helping you to expand your solar energy service offerings.
Solar design consulting and site planning services in New York include:
Proposed solar PV system size
Solar panel and inverter quantity and type
Solar panel layout and racking system
Ballasted and canopy system designs
Load-side and supply-side Interconnections
One-line or three-line diagrams with solar
Electrical calculations
Fire path and setback requirements
Ground Mount grading plans
Our design service allows commercial solar developers and residential solar installers to keep projects on schedule and on budget. Sologistics solar designers and engineers turn assessment data into an expertly designed, structurally and electrically-sound site design. Our engineers are NABCEP-certified and have vast experience designing PV systems that maximize project value while meeting local and New York codes and regulations. Grow your solar business by partnering with us.