Fayeann Lawrence: ASES Women In Solar Energy Award 2021 Winner

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It is a pleasure to announce that Sologistics’ founder and CEO, Fayeann Lawrence is the 2021 winner of the American Solar Energy Society’s (ASES) Women in Solar Energy Award! This award recognizes leadership and technical achievement in solar through education, advocacy, and social change. The previous recipients of the WISE award include groundbreaking and impactful women who are solar leaders, visionaries, educators, scientists, engineers, CEOs, and policy advocates. Fayeann is humbled to be in such an inspiring company.

It is an honor to have Fayeann’s impact in solar receive this recognition. From Sologistics to policy work, to solar development in the Caribbean, Fayeann continues to demonstrate her commitment to and expertise in furthering equitable solar development.  Guided by Faye’s strong vision and leadership, Sologistics continues to thrive providing needed innovative solar project management solutions and opportunities to women and minorities in solar. Thank you for the work and support of the entire Sologistics team in their commitment to striving for excellence and advancing renewables.

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Thank you to the ASES team including Carly Rixham, Lawrence L. Kazmerski, Carly Cipolla, and Marlene Brown. Fayeann will be a virtual speaker at the upcoming ASES Solar 2021 conference, on August 4th. Register for the conference and the WISE events to tune in to Faye’s virtual presentation!


Press Release: Fayeann Lawrence Wins ASES WISE Award


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